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Korission lake is located south of Corfu island and has a length of 1400 meters with a total area of 6000 acres and is the largest of the three in the island. Around the lake there are dunes of 4000 acres and 100 acres of marsh.
The name goes back to the word ‘Korykos’ meaning ‘sandbags’. The sand strips separating the lagoon from the sea may be the most ancient ones.
The area is the home of 123 different and rare species of birds, and is under the European project ‘NATURA 2000’.
The lagoon hosts fine shrimps, mullets, oysters, eels and breams. Hares, badgers, foxes, bats, hedgehogs and black mouse are mammals of the lake. Along the lagoons shores you can find an ancient rare cedar forest, 14 different species of sand orchids and the rare sand lily ‘Pancratium Maritimum’.
Area is a stop for migrating birds on their journey from Africa to Europe and at certain times of the year, over 2000 birds seek rest in the Lake, including a wide variety of water birds, swans, flamingos and falcons. This is a beautiful and largely unspoilt region, with great walks, long soft sandy beaches and great scenery.